Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Mulan - Discovering Yourself

Mulan, the Disney movie, tells the tale of a brave young woman who dresses as a man to protect her father from battle.
One of the first songs in the movie is sung by Mulan herself and she sings the following:
Look at me
I will never pass for a perfect bride
Or a perfect daughter
Can it be
I'm not meant to play this part?
Now I see
That if I were truly to be myself
I would break my fam'ly's heart
Who is that girl I see
Staring straight
Back at me?
Why is my reflection someone
I don't know?
Somehow I cannot hide
Who I am
Though I've tried
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
Throughout the movie, Mulan discovers her role in saving China. (Now, the real-life of Mulan was different but I'm going with the Disney movie because I know it better.)
The lyrics above reflect her desire to be the person her parents what her to be. While that's not necessarily a bad thing depending on what your parents hope for you, I believe that being your best self is more important.

"I will never pass for the perfect bride/ or a perfect daughter."
Okay, sorry to burst your bubble, Mulan, but there is no such thing as a perfect bride, daughter or person. The only person on earth who was ultimately perfect was Jesus Christ. The rest of us are just striving to be perfect.
You know, it one thing to say we don't have to be perfect and all when we're watching a movie or reading a book but look around. You'll see a whole bunch of "perfect" people, people who want to fit in with the times. But everyone has flaws, everyone has problems. It's part of life.
I think we should be striving toward perfection like our Heavenly Father and that's the difference; worldly perfection vs. Heavenly perfection. There's a difference.

"Can it be/ I'm not meant to play this part?"

We all have a divine purpose and a special role to play in life. The hard part is discovering that mission. (And you could even have more than one mission too.)
You are meant to play your part. Your part can be played by no one else. You auditioned and received your role a long time ago and now it's time to carry it out.

Who is that girl I see
Staring straight
Back at me?
Why is my reflection someone
I don't know?
Somehow I cannot hide
Who I am
Though I've tried
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?"

It seems like that's the big question these day, who am I? why am I here? what am I doing?
These are questions we must find out and then, with that knowledge of our past and our mission, we must act.
Don't hide yourself. I wouldn't be surprised if there were hundreds of thousands of people out there who could be doing amazing things, either big or small, but aren't because they're trying to hide themselves. Get out there and make a difference. You can do it. I know you can.