Phones are a way of communication.
However, they can also be a time-sucking tool. I mean, look around. You might be surprised at how many people have phones and are on them. It's like watching a movie; your eyes are glued to the screen.
One thing David Lubar is known for is his Weenies Stories series which are kind of like horror/what-if? stories.
For example (spoilers!), in the story Wipeout of the Wireless Weenies, a kid at school looks around and everyone, including the teacher, is on their phones. Well, along comes this alien or something (I don't really remember) and everyone but this one kid who is phone-less, gets eaten by it because they're too busy trying to find a solution to their problem on their phones.
Now, that's taking it a little to the extreme, obviously, but you get the idea. And I'm sure you've seen this, people at restaurants or at the store or whatever and all they seem to do is look down at their phone.
Well, I think it's time we all take a stand against this war with screen time. And, yes, I get it, phones and the endless things you can do on them are fun but they're not all necessary. Seriously, just turn off your phone for a little while each day. I mean, is it really going to be that hard?
And yes, some people do have reasons for having their phones on, for example if a family member was int he hospital or you're a first responder or something but I think we can all try taking some time off the screen.
(The ironic thing is you're probably reading this on a computer or mobile device.)