Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Armor of God

In the Bible in the book of Ephesians, chapter 6, we can learn about the Armor of God. The Armor of God is important, especially in this day and age; there are so many temptations out there. How are we to withstand the fiery darts of the adversary? With the Armor of God securely on and with our Sword of the Spirit drawn and ready to fight.

The Sword of the Spirit is the word of God. So when we read the scriptures and study them and ponder about what we read, we are sharpening our sword.

Lions girt with Truth.
Anciently, girding the loins had to do with mobility and readiness—tying up loose pieces of clothing so that it was easier to run. Having feet shod means they’re protected and you’re ready to move.
Sometimes you need to run into a battle—to defend and show kindness to those being bullied, to stand up for truth and virtue in the face of mocking and scorn. And sometimes your best option is the “Joseph in Egypt” defense—run away (see Genesis 39:12). In either case, be ready.1
Someone said something along the lines of, "Well, it's a belt...you don't want you pants falling down as you're running into battle." And it's true!

Shoes are a good thing to have on when you're running and playing a sport. Just the same way, having our Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel is a good idea when going into battle.

We practice using our Shield of Faith as we diligently and consistently exercise our faith. We do this by praying, studying and pondering the scriptures, standing up for truth, the list goes on.

Breastplate of Righteousness. This very handy piece of armor protects your lungs, heart, stomachache, etc. You can probably see why this article of equipment is pretty important.

When biking, a helmet is always a safe companion. In the same way, as we go into battle our Helmet of Salvation can diffidently come in handy.

In a world where a battle continually rages, I hope that we all alert and have our armor on securely and firmly.
You never know when and how the adversary attack.
Are YOU ready?

For further reading and studying, I would really suggest these two articles which you can find on lds.org and lds.org/youth. Also some of the information I got was from Get Ready for Battle.

Warrior in You
(This one is about how you can be a warrior and stand for what is right)

Get Ready for Battle
(This is about the Armor of God and what each piece represents)

1 "Get Ready for Battle." David A. Edwards. lds.org/youth

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