Monday, April 28, 2014

Your life begins with you

I got this statement off of a commercial on Q99. And actually I tweaked it a bit. What the person really said was, "your health begins with you" but I thought about it and your life begins with you too. It really does. I mean that in the way of how you're in charge of your life. We have agency and that means that we can decide for ourselves. It may not seem that way but think about it and you might see what I mean. For instance, you can go to school, but you choose whether or not you're going to listen. It all begins with you. Others can't force you to learn; they can encourage but they can't force. That's your choice.
Another example is seat belts. Policemen and women can't force you to wear your seat belts, although they can give you a ticket. Anyway, you choose if you want to wear your seat belt or not.
You can choose; you just can't choose the consequences. If you choose not to wear your seat belt, you can get a ticket.
So, what are you going to do now that you're in charge of your life? Sure, you were always in charge of your life, but did you really realize that before? Think about it. Maybe you did but it never really stuck or maybe you're just trying to get on with life. Maybe you did and you're totally rolling your eyes at me right now; either way, now is the time to take charge of your life. Yeah, you could wait but then maybe when you do want to take control, it's to late. Kind of scary to think about that, huh?
You're in charge of your life. What are you going to do about it?

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