Monday, May 12, 2014

Our Anchor - Part One - Beliefs/Religion/Standards/Scriptures/etc

Imagine that you're a ship. It doesn't matter what kind of ship it is, it could be a cruise ship, a cargo ship or even just a plain rowboat.
Now, imagine that the world is your water. And challenges in life are the waves, wind and storms. What's one of the things that can help you from being pulled and pushed, battered and beaten?
An anchor, especially when you're in the harbor. But you're not always in the safety of a harbor. Sooner or later you're going to get pushed out to sea. In fact, you're probably battling the storm right now. The storm is trials, temptation and, just like the water, life.
Some people are trying to just stay afloat and that's fine. Some people may be upright and somewhat stable; now they just need to move forward. It doesn't have to be fast. Some one once said, "Mile by mile, life's a trial. Yard by yard, life is hard. Inch by inch, life's a cinch." Or something along those lines.
Anyway, one thing that can help us is our anchor.
I was thinking about this concept the other day and I think that we all have parts to our anchors. I came up with four sections, although there could be more.
1) Beliefs/Religion/Standards/Scriptures/etc.
2) Family
3) Friends/Peers/Mentors
4) [you fill in this spot]

The first part is made up of our beliefs, religion, standards, etc. We're basically looking at the things that spiritually hold us down.
For one it may be an inspiring scripture or song. For others it may be a youth program.
Maybe it's a belief you have. It could be a lot of things. I would say more, but this is one of the more personal parts of your anchor and I really don't know what else to say.
All I can say is,you have to find out what helps to hold you down. Not me, not anyone but you.

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