Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Always Remember

With 4th of July coming up (especially for those of you in the US), I'd just like to challenge you to take a moment to reflect and think about how we got here. Think about all those people who made it happen. Think about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution; remember that those two documents are real and important, whether the rest of the US thinks so or not. I know I say that same kind of things in some of my other essays (or at least it seems like it) but I do it because I know that those two papers matter and I believe they matter more now then they did then. And that means we need to remember the things they stand for and protect those things and those rights and those ideas that created our country; a country that is slowly going down hill because we're forgetting the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. And that is why we have to, we need to remember those things and never forget.

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