Monday, July 21, 2014

They are watching and they will help

The following is a true story.
I recently went on a 27 mile backpacking hike on the Appalachian Trail with a bunch of other young women my age. We started at Angel's Rest and ended at Dismal Falls. I wish I had a map but I don't. Anyway, what I'd like to share with you today took place on the second day of travel.
So, everybody was tired and sore but we were all pretty happy. During the afternoon, I had to keep telling my self to just put one foot in front of the other. You just get so tired that you have to keep walking because 1) if you don't you might never get started again and 2) sometimes your feet hurt more when you stop.
Helpful advice if you ever go on a backpacking trip: it's worth it at the end so just keep walking.
Anyhow, I'm just trying to keep my feet going and then I was reminded of three things. 1) Before the hike, the person in charge had said that "the Lord won't give you more then you can endure." 2) I'd recently watched 17 Miracles, a movie about the Mormon pioneers. In the movie it shows/talks about how sometimes the pioneers felt like there were angels pushing their wagons. 3) Before watching 17 Miracles, we had two missionaries there and one of them said something that is both inspirational and creepy. She said, "Your future children are watching you right now."
Remembering these things I prayed and, only for about five seconds, it felt like somebody had lifted the bottom of my backpack. Like I said, it wasn't for very long but it gave me the boost I needed to keep going. And it happened more then once.
I know that I had help from angels that day and I feel certain that it was my future children helping me. I know that our future children or any relative whether they've passed on or haven't been born yet. I know they can help us with our righteous desires if we just ask.
Asking seems simple but simple things are the essence of big things. Like L. Tom Perry said, "While some very intelligent and insightful people might believe our more complex time demands ever more complex solutions, I am far from convinced they are right. Rather, I am of the frame of mind that today’s complexity demands greater simplicity."
So remember "keep it simple."1
1 The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan pg, 225

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