Thursday, November 27, 2014

Three Cheers for the Pilgrims!

Think about all the courage those pilgrims must have had. 1) They left their homes behind, 2) they didn't know what was going to happen to them.
That's pretty big. They had guts.
They were pioneers; setting up a home in the wild wilderness.

Now, some of the pilgrims were going to the Americas for religious freedom, some weren't; the others were basically going to set up a colony, kind of for their own gain.
But, you know, that's sort of the principles the U.S. was founded on. Freedom of religion and hard work.

Unfortunately, the pilgrims also ended up bringing disease. Of course unfortunate but, it was bound to happen some time or another. I mean, if Columbus didn't discover America and the pilgrims came over, then someone else would have. And that other someone would have ended up bringing disease as well.

Pilgrims. Landed on Plymouth Rock in 1620. Faithful, hard working, courageous people who, although afraid, sailed across an ocean to a strangle land nobody really knew about. So...
Three cheers for the pilgrims!!

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