Friday, December 5, 2014

Christmas music - and music in general

I don't know about you but I think Christmas music is relaxing.
I love to listen to uplifting music, in fact that's the only kind of music I listen to. And Christmas music is almost always uplifting and clean.
Christmas music just makes you feel good.

I have this kind of weird pet peeve, I don't like anyone getting their Christmas decorations out before Thanksgiving but I like singing Christmas songs all year round. Kind of weird, yeah, but Christmas music doesn't just have to be for Christmas. It's still uplifting and happy.
Now, of course, some people don't like singing Christmas music unless it's around Christmas and I respect that, I just like Christmas songs so much I sing them all over.

Music can enrich your life. It can edify and inspire you. Music has a profound effect on your mind, spirit, and behavior. Choose carefully the music you listen to. Pay attention to how you feel when you are listening.
~For the Strength of Youth
Music is powerful.
Just like friends, music can and will influence us.

I suggest, no I challenge you to pay attention to what music you listen to. Pay attention to the lyrics and how the music makes you feel. Do you like what the song is saying or implying? Do you agree with the song? Does this music make you feel good?
I'm not saying that if you completely change your music repertoire, I'm just saying that music has a very powerful influence on us and we need to understand that.
People say that you are what you eat, and someone once said, "You are what you do," as in your actions; I'm going to add something to that, you are what you listen to. You really are. What you listen to has the ability to change you. It can change your behavior, habits, what you say, practically everything and anything you do.

Another reason why music is so powerful, is because it can get stuck in our heads. It happens to everyone. And it can either be really nice or super annoying. I remember once a friend and I went to a Shakespeare play and the actors play music and sing before the show and at intermission. One song they sang was "What makes you beautiful" and later, my friend and I couldn't get it out of our heads. I don't think it's a bad song, I like it, it was the first time we'd heard it and we could only remember some of the chorus. So we sang that over and over and over and over and over. That was pretty annoying.
Getting off track, anyway, music can get stuck in our heads and once it's stuck it's hard to get out. It can be done but it's not necessarily easy.
(Sometimes it's a good thing, like if you're trying to memorize something)

I love music because it can be super inspiring. Some music makes you want to get up and do something for someone, some music lets you know you're important and of great worth.

Music is a blessing. It can and will change us. I think music can be like our choices; every song or music piece you listen to can shape you.

Music, I think, is a big thing all over the world. It can be a way of sending a message of peace, a way of saying thanks, a way of sharing what you believe in, all sorts of things.
Music speaks to us. It moves us.

If eyes are the windows to the soul, I think ears may be the doors to the heart.
Be careful what you let in.

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