Sunday, July 26, 2015


NOW, adverb
1. At the present time.
- 1828 Webster Dictionary

I've heard this word many, many times in the past few years. "Now is the time." "You are needed now." "The time to act is now." "Serve now." "Learn now." Etc.
Now, right now, is the time to act, to do. Don't wait for others to do it for you, you do it. Now.

Y.O.L.O. This usually stands for You Only Live Once, which translates into "party now because you only one life so you should live it up now." But in this CD I listened to a few months ago, the guy speaking pointed out that this can go the other way: "you only live once so you should do all you can to make it good." And I agree, I believe that we should all we can to serve others and grow closer to our Heavenly Father. Besides, if all you do is party and try drugs and stuff like that, are you really happy? In the moment maybe but you don't stay that way.

So, now is the time to do whatever it is that you need to do. Build relationships, learn a new skill or hobby, etc. 
Do things that really matter.

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